The SKYCO Skylights team is highly experienced in the design and installation of custom photovoltaic skylights and canopy systems utilizing an assortment of photovoltaic panels (PV), and photovoltaic glass products. SKYCO Skylights will design complete customized skylights or canopy structures, utilizing building integrated photovoltaic systems (BIPV) which not only enhance interior spaces, or the area under a canopy, but also generate electricity. SKYCO Skylights also utilizes standard PV panels and Bi-Facial photovoltaic panels in canopy structures to address project specific design criteria. Our BIPV systems capitalize on the use of free daylighting during the day and simultaneously generate free power. Completed projects have also utilized battery storage capabilities to store power generated during the day for utilization during the evening hours. SKYCO Skylights’ BIPV systems – the ultimate in green building products.

Contact SKYCO Skylights when considering a BIPV system so we may assist in the design, engineering, specifications and details, to insure a properly designed and functional BIPV system.

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