2017-03-23ActiveAir Solutions (AAS) (USA) Ionization air purification technology Specializes in providing intelligent, energy reducing air purification systems for indoor building environments. The AAS-iCleanis the world’s first self-cleaning, no maintenance, needlepoint bipolar ionization (BPI) generator. The unit has been designed for indoor / outdoor duct mounting or inside an air handler based on the application requirements. AAS has passed the “UL867 post 2007 Peak Ozone
Chamber Test”. ActiveAir’s smart systems can integrate state of art, custom volatile organic compound(VOC) sensors & cutting edge air ion sensors which can interface with current Building Management Systems (BMS) to provide full control & measurable performance to substantially improve and purify the air we breathe where we live and work!

Benefits: Controls Odors, Kills Mold, Bacteria and Virus, Can Be Used to Reduce Outside Air Per ASHRAE 62.1 IAQP, Controls Static Electricity, Reduces Smoke and No Maintenance.

Applications: Residential and Commercial

Product List

  • Ducted Mounted Type Ion Generators
  • Air Handler Mounted Type Ion Generators
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